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10 Things Every Man Wishes Girls Knew About Love Making(s 'e x ),Ladies stop doing this things

Sometimes men are hesitant to ask for what they need in the be`dr`oom because he is probably worried he might hurt your feelings. The problem with him not asking is that you might continue making the same mistakes.

1. Keep things exciting in the be`dr`oom by taking control every now and then.

2. Stop being a dead wood in the be`dr`oom. There is nothing more discouraging than having a partner who seems disinterested in be`d and shows no enthusiasm.

3. If your man is doing something wrong in b`ed, he expects you to tell him about it. Good communication is needed in the be`dr`oom. Tell him what’s working and what he needs to improve on.

4. Stop being too worried about how you look when your clothes are off. He needs you to love your body.

5. Sometimes his member down there might not respond in the be`dr`oom and this isn’t because you are unattractive or not good enough in the be`dr`oom. Not being in the mood, stress and other things can affect him down there.

6. Just because your ex loved it doesn’t mean he would love it. People are different.

7. Forget the story about men thinking about having some be`dr`oom action every minute. Sometimes, we are just not in the mood for some action in the bedroom.

8. Don’t be shy to ask for what you want in the be`dr`oom. He isn’t a mind reader so don’t expect him to know what you want.

9. Don’t always wait for him to initiate. If you are in the mood for some action in the bedroom, please feel free to go for it. We love it when you initiate sometimes. It shows that you find us desirable.

10. It’s not fun when you do things grudgingly in the be`dr`oom. If you are not comfortable doing it, please don’t do it.

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