18 Signs You've Found Your Soulmate N0.9,17 and 18 Will Make You Cry
Spiritually speaking, it is said that even before you were born,
the name of your spiritual half has been determined. Each soul has a perfect
match… your soulmate.
Although most people think of a soulmate as a perfect harmonious
union of bliss, your true spiritual soulmate is the person who is intended to
help you “complete yourself.”
Jerry McGuirewas right – soul mates complete each other. A
person is unable to complete his mission in life alone. Everyone needs someone
to help them become a better person. This is not always a blissful experience.
Being in an honest, sincere, and committed soulmate relationship
helps you to become a better version of yourself. You have to push yourself
beyond your comfort zone, beyond your limits to find your better self.
Even though we tend to think of soul mates as a symbiotic union;
soulmate relationships can be rough at the beginning. They can be like two
jagged edged puzzle pieces trying to click into place. Sometimes it looks like
you do not fit together at all, but soon after a little bit of twisting,
turning, and flipping the pieces around, you feel the moment of the perfect
click. It’s a feeling deep in your soul, that says, this is the right one.
Often soulmates appear in disguise. You might not be physically
attracted to each other when you first meet, but there is a mysterious force
pushing you forward that tells you this is “the right one” for you.
You have a personal checklist of everything you want in a
partner. Tall- check. Dark hair (no curls please)-check. Blondes only-check. 6
pack abs- check. Or you can be like Jerry Seinfeld who knows his date is not
“the one” because she eats her peas one at a time.
So, if you are brave enough to move
away from your rom`ance checklist, open your eyes and your heart to unexpected
possiblities, you might just be one of the lucky ones who finds their true soul
You know you’ve found your soulmate
You just know it.
Something deep inside tells you this
is the perfect one for you. It’s as if there is a spiritual force pushing you
to let go of everything you previously expected and to give of yourself
You have crossed paths before.
Soulmates have met each other and a
previous time. You may not have connected, but you were in the same place, at
the same time. Before my husband and I met, we lived across the street from
each other and worked across the street from each other. Yet we never met until
the time was right.
Your souls meet at the right time.
Each person has to be ready to receive the soul connection.
Even though my husband and I were in close proximity of each other for many
years, we did not meet until the time was right for both of us. You have to be
prepared to meet your soulmate. It could be that you have to go through a
relationship that doesn’t work out, or that you’re not ready to ditch your
“perfect person checklist,” but when it comes to soulmates- timing is
Your quiet space is a peaceful place.
Being quiet together is comforting
like a fluffy down blanket on a cold winter night. Whether you are reading in
the same room, or driving in the car, there’s a quiet peace between you.
You can hear the other person’s silent thoughts.
With soulmates, there is such depth
to your relationship that you can feel and hear what your partner is thinking,
even if it is not verbally expressed.
You feel each other’s pain.
You stand in each other’s shoes. You know each other so well,
that the second he walks in the door, you can tell how his day was. You feel
each other’s feelings: sadness, worry, and stress. And you share each other’s
happiness and joy.
7. You know each other’s fl`aws and the benefits in them.
Yes, it’s true. Our flaws have benefits. Every trait has a
positive as well as a negative side. It’s the task of each person to always
look for the good, even when things don’t look so good. There is usually a
benefit to each flaw. Stubborn people are good decision makers. Overly
organized people are great at paying bills on time.
8. You share the same life goals.
You’re both on the same page with values, ethics, and goals. You
may have a different way of reaching those goals, but you both want the same
end result.
9. You’re not afraid of having a conversation.
Conversations can be challenging. Expressing concerns or
attempting to make decisions is uncomfortable. Soulmates know that if they join
together, they will be able to work it out.
10. You are not threatened by the need for alone time.
Whether it’s tennis three times a week or girls’ night out, you
respect each other’s need for independence, knowing that when you get together,
your time alone is special.
11. You don’t experience jealousy.
Pretty girls at the office or handsome personal trainers aren’t
a threat to your relationship.You are secure knowing that you are the only one.
12. You respect each other’s differences and opinions.
You know you have different opinions. Often soulmates are polar
opposite. At times this is challenging. These are the times when you are being
forced to let the other person complete you. You still have your own opinion,
but instead of agreeing to disagree, there is a deep level of respect for each
other. You listen and honor the differences.
13. You don’t scream, cur`se, or thre`aten each other with div`orce.
Of course you feel the anger. People unintentionally hurt each
other. But soulmates aren’t na`sty, hurtful, or punitive.
14. You give in because you want to make your partner happy.
Giving can often occur in unhealthy, co-dependent, or abusive
relationships. But soulmates give to each other for the sole purpose of making
each other happy.
15. You know how to apologize.
It’s not easy to say “I’m sorry” or admit that you did
something that hurt the person you love. Soulmates realize that their actions
or words cause harm. Even if they feel justified in their point of view, if
their partner was hurt by it, they can easily apologize for the harm they have
16. You would marry each other again.
You know this is the one and only one for you. Even through the
tough times, you would choose your partner again. You feel a sense of pride in
your partner.
17. You complete each other.
Yes, I’m sorry to say it but, your partner fills in your blanks.
No person is perfect. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Soulmates
complete each other. It’s the yin and yang of perfect harmony. One person may
be the extrovert, while one is the introvert. One may be social, while the
other a homebody. Soulmates are often opposite that are attracted to a person
who has their missing pieces.
18.Being in each other’s arms washes away all your stress, worries, and anxiety.
There is no place you’d rather be at the end of the day but
in each other’s arms. If you had a rough day filled with disagreements, a fight
with your boss or if you missed the train, whatever happened is gone the second
you cuddle up together. There is a warmth in your heart, an inner peace you can
feel. No words need to be spoken. All that exists is the silent, blissful union
of two souls together. Two souls that were meant to be together eternally.
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