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COUPLE:5 Ways to Fie`rcely Protect Your Marriage, Guys And Ladies Read To Apply On Your Own Time

Unfortunately, what we’re not seeing enough of are couples protecting their marriage as fie`rcely as they would their kids.
I’ve seen countless wo'men who are affectionate, protective, and nurturing mothers, but I’ve also seen many women step out of their mar'riage because it simply wasn’t fulfilling their needs.
I’m not talking about abu`sive relation'ships here, that’s an issue that needs to be re`ported and de'alt with wisely.
What I am talking about today is a husband and wife’s responsibility to protect their mar`riage from harm, and in some cases protect it from their own selfish desire and pride.

Here’s something important to note about a watchman: he isn’t reactive–he’s proactive. He doesn’t wait until the en`emy is upon them to sound the alarm. A watchman climbs the tower at the city gates, and he carefully watches. He knows that da'nger could be loo`king around the corner at any time and it’s his job keep an eye out for it.
With that in mind, let’s look at five ways to start protecting your marriage:

1. Pray often and pray together – We have been given the incredible opportunity to enter the throne room, and bring our marriage before the King of all Kings. When we stop to consider how valuable this gift is, you have to wonder why it’s ever a last resort.

2. Pay attention to each other’s needs – Unresolved hu`rt and an`ger can take root in a person’s heart. Communicate wisely by listening to each other and being sensitive to the needs of your spouse.

3. Pull back the reigns on social media – Don’t let the internet become a priority in your home. Practice putting down your phone when you’re together and closing the laptop for some face-to-face time.
4. Be careful about outside relationships – Innocent friendships can easily esca`late between men and women. Honour God and honour your spo`use by keeping a safe distance.

5. Control Your Thoughts – Don’t keep a men'tal record of wr`ongs. Don’t har'bour resentment. Don’t feed unfor'giveness. Don’t entertain thoughts of div`or`ce. Don’t entertain thoughts of infe'delity. Control your thoughts by taking them captive. Don’t let your thoughts control you–control them. Bring them into obed'ience. De``fy them with the truth of scripture. Stand strong. James 4:7 tells us to, “
resist the de`vil and he will fl'ee from you.” Yes–those thoughts can be defe`ated. Keep fi'gh'ting.

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