5 Things that makes every man happy in relationship, Ladies read NOS 2 & 5 and learn something
Making your partner happy in your relationship is obviously very important, but there are other crucial factors you need to pay attention to if you want to have a fulfilling relationship.
1. Tell your man how you feel about him.
It’s a secret that all guys will never admit, but the truth is that men need reassurance just as much as anyone else. I’m not suggesting that you tell your man how you feel about him 50 times a day. Instead, every once in a while remind your man why you like him so much.
2. Learn some new s e’x positions.
Just choose two to three that you’d like to try with your man. Then, the next time you’re both in b’e’d together, surprise your man with them. If your man is usually the one who leads things in the be’dr’oom it can be a little nerve-wrecking, but just do it anyway. You’ll be glad to see that most guys are thrilled when you are the initiator.
3. Don’t pick fights. There’s nothing a man hates more than having to fight, bicker, or argue with his girl for no reason. If you have something important to discuss, then pick a reasonable time and place where both of you can focus on the conversation; don’t start yelling at him in public and expect him to engage with you. Learn to keep your voice calm when you disagree instead of raising it.
4. Make sure you’re happy. Though it’s important for you to make your man happy emotionally and se x ually, it’s equally important that you’re feeling emotionally and se. x ua.lly fulfilled in the relationship. It’s not the woman’s job to tip-toe around the man, making sure that his needs are met — a strong relationship is forged by mutual love, encouragement, and acceptance. If you feel like you spend all of your time thinking about what your man wants instead of being attentive to your own needs, then you have a problem.
Though it’s impossible for you and your man to be happy emotionally and sexually 100% of the time, you should both be happy the majority of the time for the relationship to thrive.
5. Encourage him. To make your man happy emotionally, you need to know how to encourage him — and mean it. You can encourage him by telling him how amazing, talented, or hilarious he is, and to help him pursue his dreams and goals. Don’t encourage him if you don’t really mean it — you need to be sincere when you help him move forward in life.
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