Che@ ting is often a problem for almost every relationship and
although it is never easy to stop someone from cheating, there are a few ways you can try to cut down the chances of your partner che@ting on
you and ruining y`all’s happiness.
- Keep Things Interesting And Try New Things Together
Boredom is often cited as a reason for cheating, so keep things
interesting and try different things. This is not just restricted to
being adventurous in the bedroom! It also means going out to different
places, taking up new hobbies and even changing the channel you watch on
- Be There For Each Other And Listen
You’ve heard it before: ‘My wife / husband / boyfriend /girlfriend
doesn’t understand me’. That is as much a symptom of not listening, as
it is about not understanding. Listen, when your partner says ‘let’s do
something different this weekend’, or they could be doing something
different next weekend with someone else.
- Don’t Be Too Controlling
Complaining, nagging and criticising can all add up to an unhappy
relationship. You are in a sharing partnership and no one of you should
be controlling the other. If you are trying to control your partner, you
might find that they suffer in silence, until one day, they go
elsewhere for solace.
- Be Best Friends, As Well As Starry Eyed Lovers
It’s important to be good friends, as well as lovers. You need to be
able to talk to one another openly or you will find that some things are
being kept a secret.
- Understand And Agree On The Boundaries
What constitutes cheating can vary from person to person. Is it OK to
dance with another person, kiss a person or give them a hug? Or, to
your partner, does this mean that you have che`ated? There needs to be a
clear understanding of what cheating means to each of you, and then
there can be no mistakes.
. Be Sure To Let Your Partner Know That They Are Appreciated And Loved
You may well love your partner, care about them and would never want
to be apart from them. But, when did you last tell them that? It’s about
taking things for granted again, so don’t assume that your partner
feels loved, tell them that they are.
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