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4 Ways to Get the G!rl to go Home with You

Women can be incredibly hard to read, especially when you barely know them. Their bo`dy language will send you all kinds of confusing signals; they’re fli`rty with everyone and you probably have no idea if the cards are in your hand. The good news is, you have all the power. As long as you play your cards right, you can get any girl to go home with you on the first night
 Relax and learn this  4 tips to know how to  get things moved from the bar to the be'dro'om.

1.Confidence Gets the Girl
 Confidence will always get the girl. It’s an unwritten rule that if there’s a se"xy ma`le model in the room with no confidence, and a ne`rd with an abundance of confidence, ladies will always pick the latter. There’s something undeniably attra`ctive about a man who knows what he has to offer. So, bring your confidence game to the stage. If you’re not always the leader of the pack, find things you like about yourself before the night begins. Remember them, and believe in them. Maybe you have a good job, a great package (if you know what I mean), a nice apartment, great teeth – whatever it is, know what you got and own it.

2.You Have to Make the First Move
There’s no other way to say it. Wo`men will very rarely make the first move, and with tons of guys giving them attention, you need to come out on top. Pu'n certainly intended. So, you have to make the first move. It’ll show her how confident you are, and it lets her know that you’re interested in getting a little more intim'ate.
This flir"ting way is also the best way to see how she’s fee'ling about you, and the entire situation. If she is ready and eager to try out those new Okamoto co'nd*ms, your first ki'ss will be a little more exciting than a quick peck. However, if you go in for the ki'ss and it just doesn’t feel like she’s really into it, she probably isn’t. That doesn’t mean that she won’t go home with you on the first night, but you’ll have to put in a little more work.

3.Girls Will Always Seem Uninterested
As the good ole’ da'ting rule goes, people always want what they can’t have. So, wo'men will naturally act less interested than what they really are. Don’t let this fo'ol you. Just because she didn’t let your first ki'ss go to second base doesn’t mean that she’s not down to go home with you. If she keeps talking and fl'ir'ting with you afterwards, she’s playing the da'ting game. Women never want to look too easy, so they’ll always play hard to get. Once you get her back to your place, you may even hear the infa'mous line, “I’ve never done this before,” but you know all too well. It’s time for those Oka'moto con'd*ms to come out and play.

Know When to Back Off
It’s important to know when to back off. This could be a game-changer for you if your girl isn’t interested. Women will always give you some sort of signal if she’s interested; she’ll touch your arm when you’re talking, she’ll face towards you, she’ll be smiling, she’ll make an effort to keep the conversation going and so on and so forth. If you get the idea that she is trying to get away from you, or simply isn’t interested, move on. This can work in two ways. She’ll either think your confidence and respect is se`x`y and attractive, or you’ll be in the clear to go find a girl that is ready to go home with you. Whatever you do, just be sure to respect her boundaries, whoever “she” ends up being.
These four flirting steps may seem basic, but they hold plenty of power. Show all kinds of wo'men that you’re the man they need to have by emi'tting confidence, making the first move, being persistent yet knowing when to quit. You’ll be going through packs of your ult`ra-thin Oka`mo`to c*nd*ms in no time.

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